[2022] From highway landscapes to the emergence of project territories. Observing, representing, and evaluating road territories to drive transitions in Bordeaux's metropolitan entrances
- From highway landscapes to the emergence of project territories. Observing, representing, and evaluating road territories to drive transitions in Bordeaux's metropolitan entrances
The thesis project studies the road-territory co-evolution and determines the transformation trajectories of the Bordeaux metropolis' gateways to document the processes at work in terms of urban, landscape and environmental transition.
Because of their ubiquity and permanence, motorway infrastructures are a legacy that should not be neglected, and they can be the path to a necessary responsible development. They can be part of a dynamic of projects based on local solutions of preservation, reconstruction, reinterpretation of the existing and no longer of construction.
The research proposes a historical, cartographic and formal analysis of the dynamics of morphological and functional transformation of the agglomeration's penetrators in the automobile era (1950-2021).
Responsable(s) scientifique(s)
Manon- Espinasse
- Université Gustave Eiffel