ITTECOP committees - The Programme Governance
Two complementary bodies contribute to the programme governance : the Steering Committee and the the Scientific Board
The Steering Committee defines the strategic orientations of the programme by expressing the needs of operational managers. It sets research priorities and contributes to the implementation of facilitation and dissemination activities. Chaired by the head of research at the MEDDE Research and Innovation Department, the Steering Committee includes representatives of the MEDDE, and of public and private structures:
- MTE – French Ministry for the Ecological Transition
- ADEME - French Environment and Energy Management Agency
- OFB - Frenc office of biodiversity
- MMA - French Ministry of agriculture
- FRB – Foundation for Research on Biodiversity
- CEREMA – Expertise Center for Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Spatial Planning
- SNCF Réseau
- VNF – Voies Navigables de France
- RTE - Réseau de transports d’électricité
- ASFA – Association of the French Motorway operators
- CDC Biodiversité - Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations biodiversité
- SETEC – Engineering firm
- GRTgaz, gestionnaire réseaux transports de gaz
- TIGF, Transport et infrastructures Gaz France
- Eiffage
- SETEC - Société d'études techniques et économiques
- UPGE - Union professionnelle du génie écologique
- Chairman of the Scientific Board of the Programme
The Scientific Board guarantees the scientific quality of the program. It sets the programme’s scientific orientations, prepares the call for research proposals, assesses the proposals and research reports and launches programme facilitation and dissemination activities. Chaired by Sophin Bonin, agro-geographer, the Scientific Board includes multidisciplinary scientific figures:
ALONZO Éric - École d'architecture de la ville et des territoires Paris Est
BIGARD Charlotte - AgroParisTech
BONIN Sophie - ENSP Versailles (Présidente du CS)
CLAUZEL Céline - Université Paris 7
DROUIN Nathalie - KHEOPS (Québec)
GUTTINGER Philippe, retraité
HAY Julien, Université de Bretagne Occidentale
LUCAS Marthe - Université d’Avignon
MARTY Pascal - Université Paris 1
MOULHERAT Sylvain - Sté Terroïko
PATUANO Agnès - Université de Wageningen (Pays Bas)
QUETIER Fabien, Sté Biotope
ROSELL Carme - Minuartia (Espagne)
SIMON Laurent - Université Paris I
TABACCHI - Université Toulouse 3
TROCMÉ-MAILLARD Marguerite - OFROU (Suisse)
VANPEENE Sylvie, Inrae