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Category: ITTECOP Programme
Published: Friday, 22 March 2024 15:04
Written by Judith Raoul-Duval
Hits: 615
Governance of the ITTECOP programme
ITTECOP is led by the French Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion (MTECT) in coordination with the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME), the French Biodiversity Office (OFB), the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) and the members of the Steering Committee (CO). It is steered by two complementary bodies: the Steering Committee (CO) and the Scientific Council (CS). The technical secretariat is provided by MTECT.
The Steering Committee (CO)
The OC brings together the partners who support and drive the ITTECOP research programme, sharing their operational issues in terms of biodiversity and landscape, and pooling their resources to support research that helps to meet their needs. The OC is responsible for defining the programme's orientations and validating the texts calling on the scientific community for research projects. It selects research projects on the basis of their relevance to the objectives and their scientific excellence, as assessed by the Scientific Council. It proposes the implementation of activities to promote, disseminate and develop research work. It is chaired by MTECT's Deputy Director for Research. Only members of the OC who have signed the Memorandum of Understanding are involved in project selection.
Consult the list of Steering Committee members
The Scientific Advisory Board (SC)
The multidisciplinary Scientific Council (ecology, geography, law, economics, landscape architecture, political science, sociology, etc.) guarantees the scientific quality of the programme. It is independent and made up of people appointed through regular calls for applications, and intuitu personae, chosen for their skills in understanding the interactions between infrastructures and territories. It ensures the scientific excellence of the actions undertaken. Its chairman and members are appointed by the MTECT.
Consult the list of members of the Scientific Council (SC)
Its remit is to:
- Preparing calls for research projects decided by the Scientific Council, taking into account the expectations expressed by the Council on various subjects;
- Evaluate the projects submitted and monitor those selected;
- Drafting summaries on subjects requested by the OC or carried out on the OC's own initiative in order to enlighten its members on subjects requiring it;
- Supporting the organisation of the transfer of research results into action, in coordination with the programme secretariat (preparation of conferences, publications, etc.);
- Possible collaboration with international networks (such as the IENE), with a view to disseminating and promoting the programme's activities.
The SC receives support and assistance from the programme secretariat in carrying out all these tasks.
Members of the FRB's Scientific Council or experts proposed by the Scientific Council may be called upon to support the ITTECOP Scientific Council during the project evaluation phases.
A member of the ITTECOP SC may be a member or pilot of a project. However, he/she shall not participate in any way in the evaluation and monitoring process of the project of which he/she is a member or pilot. They must not attempt to influence the opinions formulated. Any attempt to do so will result in exclusion.
The Chair of the Scientific Council may not lead a research project selected under the programme's calls for proposals. He/she is subject to the same rules for managing conflicts of interest as the other members of the Scientific Council. Membership of the Scientific Council is unpaid, but related expenses are covered (travel, accommodation, meals during meetings). The Chair of the SC is appointed by the MTECT. He or she is a member of the programme secretariat and takes part in OC meetings, where he or she represents the OC and gives its opinions. In addition to the duties associated with membership of the OC, the Chairman is responsible for the following tasks:
- Final validation of the research reports, after synthesising the expert opinions;
- Representing the Scientific Council on the Executive Committee;
- Member of the programme secretariat;
- Representing the programme at events and meetings;
- Discussion or proposal of strategic orientations;
- Validation of meeting agendas and seminar outlines.
The secretariat
The secretariat prepares meetings of the governing bodies, organises calls for research projects, evaluates and monitors the projects submitted, and organises seminars and events to promote the calls. It proposes activities to promote, evaluate and enhance the value of research work. It relies on the service provider in charge of the scientific coordination of the call for proposals. The Chair of the Scientific Council may participate, depending on the nature of the issues addressed.
It is made up of the following referees or any other person appointed to replace them:
- MTECT (secretary of the ITTECOP research programme): Yannick Autret, MTECT/CGDD/DRI/SR - yannick.autret [at] developpement-durable.gouv.fr ;
- ADEME (co-secretary of the ITTECOP research programme): Pierre Taillant, ADEME - pierre.taillant [at] ademe.fr and Thomas Eglin - thomas.eglin [at] ademe.fr;
- OFB (co-secretary of the ITTECOP research programme): Nicolas Hette-Tronquart - nicolas.hette-tronquart [at] ofb.gouv.fr ;
- CILB (CILB secretary) : Lisa Garnier lisa.garnnier [at] rte-france.com and Marie Pulicani: marie.pulicani [at] rte-france.com ;
- FRB (head of the decision-making and negotiation support unit) : Charlotte Navarro charlotte.navarro [at] fondationbiodiversite.fr and Aurélie Delavaud aurelie.delavaud [at] fondationbiodiversite.fr and for administrative management Samir Hamdi-Cherif samir.hamdicherif [at] fondationbiodiversite.fr ;
- BE Zogma and ASCA (scientific coordination) : Judith Raoul-Duval judithrd [at] zogma.com and Agathe Dufour agathe.dufour [at] asca-net.com.
Selection of projects
With the exception of CESAB projects, which are managed by the FRB under specific calls, the selection process for the 2024 call for research projects applies to all types of project: research, exploratory, incubatory and systematic review. It consists of four successive stages summarised in the table below.
Administratively eligible projects will be assessed and ranked by the members of the Scientific Council on the basis of their scientific merit and the selection criteria detailed in the call for proposals. In the light of the SC's assessment, the OC will decide on the ranking of projects according to the strategic objectives of the call for research projects. The funders of the call for proposals will have a casting vote in deciding on the ranking of projects, and only members of the OC who have signed the memorandum of understanding will take part in the selection vote.
Substantial changes to proposals may be requested at the end of the final stage, with the ITTECOP programme reserving the right to negotiate/group projects if this proves appropriate. A final list of research projects selected for funding will be published after the OC meeting. This selection of projects may include a supplementary list.
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Conditions for moving on to the next stage :
Stage 1: Administrative eligibility
the secretariat
Compliance with the eligibility criteria specified in the call for proposals
Stage 2: scientific evaluation of proposals
2 to 3 assessors from among the members of the ITTECOP Scientific Council or other qualified personalities
All the projects evaluated in stage 2 are studied in stage 3.
Stage 3: ranking of proposals
The scientific comitee
Proposals receiving an A or B grade are forwarded to the CO
Stage 4: selection of projects
The CO holds a meeting - only the signatories of the memorandum of understanding vote on the selection of projects.
Rules concerning conflicts of interest
Members of the Scientific Council, the ITTECOP Steering Committee and any external personalities taking part in the project evaluation process must declare to the ITTECOP programme office any links or conflicts of interest with the projects submitted to the call, prior to this process.
Example of potential links of interest:
TYPE OF LINK: The appraiser
Is responsible for a project.
The evaluator is not involved in the call evaluation process.
Is a member of a project.
The assessor declares a link of interest and cannot assess the project.
He/she may evaluate the other projects in the call if he/she deems it acceptable.
He leaves the room when the project is discussed during the meeting.
Has joint publications with those responsible for a project in the last 2 years.
The assessor declares a link of interest and cannot assess the project.
He/she may evaluate the other projects in the call if he/she deems it acceptable.
It remains silent when this project is discussed during the meeting.
Is in the same laboratory as those responsible for a project.
The assessor declares a link of interest and cannot assess the project.
He/she may evaluate the other projects in the call if he/she deems it acceptable.
It remains silent when this project is discussed during the meeting.
Is in the same laboratory as members of a project.
The assessor declares a link of interest and cannot assess the project.
He/she participates in the evaluation of other projects.
It remains silent when this project is discussed during the meeting.
Is a family member or very close of the person responsible for a project.
The assessor declares a relationship of interest; however, he/she may assess the appeal project if he/she deems it acceptable.
He/she participates in the evaluation of other projects.
It remains silent when this project is discussed during the meeting.
Participates in a research project with members of a project
The assessor declares the link of interest; however, he/she may assess the project if he/she deems it acceptable.
The evaluator participates in the evaluation of other projects.
It remains silent when this project is discussed during the meeting.
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Category: ITTECOP Programme
Published: Thursday, 23 November 2017 10:14
Written by Judith Raoul-Duval
Hits: 8309
French Ministry for the Ecological Transition • General Commission for Sustainable Development • Directorate of Research and Innovation • Research Service
• Programme manager at the MTES
Yannick Autret [CGDD] • yannick.autret[at]developpement-durable.gouv.fr Tour Séquoia 92055 La Défense cedex • +33 1 40 81 33 20
• Programme manager at the ADEME
Pierre Taillant [ADEME] • pierre.taillant[at]ademe.fr • +33 4 93 95 79 98
• Chairman of the research programme’s scientific board
Sophie Bonin [ENSP] • s.bonin[at]ecole-paysage.fr
• Scientific facilitation of the programme
Judith Raoul-Duval [zogma] • judithrd[at]zogma.com