Sustainable management partnerships for right-of-ways of linear transport infrastructures
Longitudinal COnnectivity and Habitat Potential of Green Dependencies according to their Nature, Species and Context: A Systematic Review of Transportation Infrastructures. Phase 3: Flora and Global ...
Discontinuités écologiques et chiroptères - Résumé de la thèse Les infrastructures linéaires de transports (ILT), dont les routes, sont une des principales causes du déclin de la biodiversité. Bien ...
Longitudinal connectivity and potential of verges as habitats in terms of their nature, species and context : a systematic review of transport infrastructure
Dynamics of wildlife populations bordering linear land transport infrastructures
Can the assessment of ecosystem services of green dependencies of ILTe contribute to the adequacy of biodiversity measures with the budget constraints of project promoters and social uses?
Longitudinal connectivity and potential of verges as habitats in terms of their nature, species and context : a systematic review of transport infrastructure