Sustainable management partnerships for right-of-ways of linear transport infrastructures
La sous-direction de la recherche du MTE, pilote du programme national de recherche ITTECOP, en partenariat avec l'Ademe, le CILB, la FRB et l'OFB, vient de publier les résultats de l'appel à ...
The changes in public action over the last forty years, grouped under the heading of New Public Management (Hood, 1995), have led private consulting actors to play an increasingly important role in ...
The Elia-RTE LIFE project (2011-2017) is co-financed by the European Commission, Elia (Belgium's electricity transmission system operator), RTE (manager the electricity transmission network in ...
E=RC+ - Promote ‘avoidance’ (in the mitigation hierarchy) in an integrative way and measure its consequences on ‘minimization’ and ‘offset’ as part of infrastructures and development projects
Biodiversity management within the framework of transformation and maintenance of waterway infrastructures, in a context of ecological crisis
Coevolution of interconnected river infrastructures and biodiversity
Scientific hikes to invent descriptives methods for spaces bordering great infrastructures
Integrate ecology and biodiversity into public decision on transport infrastructure
How to link landscape practices and knowledge in ecology to the project of territory and biodiversity? the example of ILT footprints and their expansions